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HostmeV2 is the Ultimate hosting & business
WordPress Theme!
Premium slider, Ultimate Features, Theme Options & much more!
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[servicesicon animation=”bounceIn” align=”left” icon=”fa-hdd-o fa-2x” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#055bc4″ title=”Dedicated VPS Hosting”]
Gives total control of server environment – built for web developers. Which is why servers are provided with SSH only.
[servicesicon animation=”bounceIn” align=”left” icon=”fa-download fa-2x” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#055bc4″ title=”Reseller Web Hosting”]Reseller hosting plans provide you with all the tools and support needed to become your own web hosting.
[servicesicon animation=”bounceIn” align=”left” icon=”fa-tasks fa-2x” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#055bc4″ title=”Cloud Server Hosting”]
The smallest unit of compute power you can buy on our cloud infrastructure. A Virtual Machines running Linux or Windows® OS.
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[fancyheading align=”textcenter” heading=”large” description=”Perfect Theme For Your Next Hosting Website.”]1000+ Buyers Appreciated
HostmeV2 WordPress Theme[/fancyheading]
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- Fully responsive theme which fits on any size.
- Advanced options panel to customize your website.
- Supports fluid & boxed layouts through options panel.
- We offer 6 months free support because we care buyers.
- Includes 8 Perfectly designed Built-in Custom Widgets.
- Just install the theme with one click.
- Import or Export for theme options settings.
- Custom Slider Option where you can add 3rd Party Sliders.
- Choose Subheader background image or color for any page.
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Note : Images, Audios and videos are not included in the downloadable package of this theme. Images are from Flickr under the Creative Commons license. Few Images are purchased from www.PhotoDune.net If you wish to use same please purchase a separate license for that images from photodune website.
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[fancyheading heading=”xlarge” align=”textcenter” description=”Cloud Sites is a versatile platform for hosting your websites and blogs.”]Reliable & Scalable Hosting[/fancyheading]
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[servicesicon align=”center” size=”fa-4x” icon=”fa-cog” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#f0ca67″ title=”Supports WordPress”]
Maecenas placerat justo et purus elementum, ut viverra eleifend. Donec fermentum nulla risus.
[servicesicon animation=”fadeInUp” align=”center” size=”fa-4x” icon=”fa-desktop” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#65C4CD” title=”Maximize up-time”]
Maecenas placerat justo et purus elementum, ut viverra eleifend. Donec fermentum nulla risus.
[servicesicon animation=”fadeInUp” align=”center” size=”fa-4x” icon=”fa-tasks” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#F36C36″ title=”Unlimited Traffic”]
Maecenas placerat justo et purus elementum, ut viverra eleifend. Donec fermentum nulla risus.
[servicesicon animation=”fadeInUp” align=”center” size=”fa-4x” icon=”fa-tasks” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#7AC286″ title=”24×7 Quality Support”]
Maecenas placerat justo et purus elementum, ut viverra eleifend. Donec fermentum nulla risus.